Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him if you want a lot of information about the Prophet Muhammad click
hereMen have had the courage to stand next to the right cartoons the sword? There are those who claim that Islam was spread by force and murder and People were forced to enter Islam, especially Christians, who were living in Muslim countries
This means that Muslims make non-Muslims chose between entering Islam or murder
if that is true you would not see eny non-muslims in islamic contriesyou would find all people in islamic contries are muslims , because if ther fathers didnt enter islam the would be murdered so the christean and jews would disappeared from our land
but in fact Muslims gave people the freedom to believe in any religion
Any person is free to remain on religion or change to IslamThis explains the presence of such a large number of Christians and Jews from the Arabsهل الاسلام انتشر بحد السيف ؟؟بعض الناس يدعون ان الاسلام انتشر بالقوة والقتل وان الناس كانوا يرغمون على الدخول الى هذا الدينوهذا يعنى ان المسلمون كانوا يخيرون الغير مسلمين بين القتل او الدخول الى الاسلام ولو كان ذلك صحيحا فانك لن تجد اى شخص من اى ديانة اخرى فى بلاد المسلمينلان ابائهم اما كانوا اسلموا او قتلواولكن الاسلام اعطى حرية الاعتقاد لاى شخص فكل شخص مخير بين ان يبقى على دينة او ان يدخل الى الاسلامايها الزائر العربىالى كل من يستطيع التحاور باللغة الانجليزية
الى كل زائر مهيس مهتم بالقضية العربية
لا تكتفى بالاطلاع على محتويات المدونة
ولكن شاركنا بمجهودك وبوقتك , لا نطلب منك سوى عشرة دقائق
ترد فيها على تعليقات الزوار الغربيين
حاول معنا تصحيح صورتنا وتوضيح الحقائق لهم
لكن تذكروا
" ولو كنت فظا غليظ القلب لأنفضوا من حولك"
Naval vessels America killed an egyption man on suez canal
This man was killed because the ship's crew thought that this man would attack thim with his small boat
I wonder
If Egyptian forces killed an American citizen What would Washington will do?I think that Bush will come to Egypt to protect the world from this terrorist
سفينة تابعة للقوات البحرية الامريكية قتلت مواطنا مصريا على قناة السويس
وهذا الرجل قتل لان طاقم السفينة الامريكية اعتقدوا انه كان سيهاجمهم بقاربه الصغير
واتسائل .... لو ان القوات المصرية قتلت مواطنا امريكيا ماذا كانت واشنطن سوف تفعل ؟؟؟؟
اعتقد ان بوش كان سيغذو مصر لحماية العالم من هذا الارهابى
To the Danish people Why do you
insist on making the
hostility between us grow?
Why you
don Respect our religion and beliefs?
Is freedom of expression means provoking others???I think it was better to
strengthen the relationship between the
Danish people and
Arab peopleInstead of making the
Arabs and Muslims are
outraged by
Denmark and Danish peopleDo you know who is Muhammad?
he is the Messenger of Islam , he is our prophet ,
we love him too much , and we respect him too much
the muslims are angry from this Action disgraceful , and
we wish see that danish ppl respect us as we respect the other culture
it is amazing world !!!! The world felt with anger for killing 8 Israelis by Palestinian gunman .
but he didn't feel anger for killing more than 130 palastinian including children , babies , and citizens in less that a week .
he Did not feel anger for the siege of Gaza and prevent the arrival of food supplies and health supplies to citizens.
Is there a difference between the Palestinian citizens and Israeli citizen ??
it is must not to kill the civilians in the each side , but the Violence Produces another violence .
Arab citizens feel anger when they see the Western countries in general and America in particular are disturbed when israili citizen killed but it is not disturbed when Dozens of Palestinians killed every week
and see it is the israil's right to kill children , women , and civilians for it's safety
We do not justify the killing of civilians But Be fair with usA new Israeli massacre GAZA 2/3/2008
Israeli occupation army bombing Gaza WITH aircraft and warships
Death toll so far
66 including
children and
womenIsraeli minister threatens new
holocaust in Gaza
Does this state want peace??
Where is the world's conscience towards these crimes??
Is America will continue to support this terrorism??
Jihad in Islam is "defending the homeland is to defend the family
Fight occupation , Recovery of the occupied land , Fighting armed soldier who comes to our homeland so occupied and kill my family
Jihad is not to kill innocent people or blowing up buildings and killing civiliansIt is prohibited to kill women , children , old men , and all who are not Carrying a weapon
What comes out of some Muslims is not the teachings of Islam============================
الجهاد فى الاسلام هو الدفاع عن الوطن الدفاع عن العائلة , محاربة الاحتلال واسترداد الارض المحتلة محاربة الجنود المسلحين الذين يأتون لبلادنا لاحتلالها وليقتلوا اسرنا
الجهاد ليس قتل المدنيين وتفجير المبانى بل انه محرم على المجاهد قتل النساء والاطفال والشيوخ وكل من لا يحمل سلاحا
ليس كل ما يصدر عن المسلمين هو من تعاليم الاسلامFreedom of belief in Islam Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar with greater personal Christian in Egypt
Islam does not call for the fight against others
Each person has the freedom to believe in eny religion
Our Prophet was visiting his jewish neighbor when he was ill
It also ordered not to antagonize the people of other religions
What comes out of some Muslims is not the teachings of Islam************************شيخ الازهر مع اكبر شخصية دينية مسيحية فى مصرالاسلام لا يدعو لقتال ابناءالديانات الاخرىلكل شخص حرية الاعتقاد فى اى ديانةرسولنا الكريم كان يزور جاره اليهودى عندما كان مريضاكما انه امر بعدم معاداة ابناء الديانات الاخرىthe terrorism has no religion the klu klux klan organisation The KKK is a Christian-Protestant extremist group in America,mostly in the South, they hate blacks, Jews, asians, Catholics,homosexuals, and basically anyone who is different,they blow up buildings and target innocent civilians.their battle ground is American
الارهاب ليس له دينجماعة كلو كلوس كلانوهى جماعة مسيحية بروتستانتية فى امريكا وخصوصا فى الجنوب , انهم يكرهون السود اليهود الاسيويين الكاثوليك وبشكل عام اى شخص مختلف عنهم
انهم يدمرون المبانى ويقتلون الابرياء , وتقع انشطتهم على الارض الامريكية
elzawahry i defend my country I defend my Country , i defend my family
i am not terrorists but the occupation is the Major terrorist in the world.
Save Palestine , save our people or let me save them
انى ادافع عن بلدى ، ادافع عن عائلتى
انا لست ارهابيا ولكن الاحتلال هو الارهابى الاساسى فى هذا العالم
انقذوا فلسطين ، انقذوا شعبنا او اجعلونى احميهم